Burnt Toaste

Member for 1577662719

4 Posts & Comments

Burnt Toaste 1578016004

I know. I've downloaded it yet there are still purple textures even when I reload the model. I've tried putting the shaders on the model manually (I do opaque, I believe is what it's called) but it messes some of the textures up

Burnt Toaste 1577829978

Could you link me to the download for the shaders? I've tried a bunch of different shaders but none work. What are the correct ones you used?

Commented on unknown content 😴
Burnt Toaste 1577829460

For all the people commenting on this saying it isn't needed or whatever, please keep in mind that there are always new players joining vrchat and not everyone has been around long enough to have dynamic bones.

Burnt Toaste 1577662775

I love you so much for this